1,116 research outputs found

    Nonextensive statistics: Theoretical, experimental and computational evidences and connections

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    The domain of validity of standard thermodynamics and Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics is discussed and then formally enlarged in order to hopefully cover a variety of anomalous systems. The generalization concerns {\it nonextensive} systems, where nonextensivity is understood in the thermodynamical sense. This generalization was first proposed in 1988 inspired by the probabilistic description of multifractal geometries, and has been intensively studied during this decade. In the present effort, after introducing some historical background, we briefly describe the formalism, and then exhibit the present status in what concerns theoretical, experimental and computational evidences and connections, as well as some perspectives for the future. In addition to these, here and there we point out various (possibly) relevant questions, whose answer would certainly clarify our current understanding of the foundations of statistical mechanics and its thermodynamical implicationsComment: 15 figure

    Two-parameter generalization of the logarithm and exponential functions and Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy

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    The qq-sum xqyx+y+(1q)xyx \oplus_q y \equiv x+y+(1-q) xy (x1y=x+yx \oplus_1 y=x+y) and the qq-product xqy[x1q+y1q1]11qx\otimes_q y \equiv [x^{1-q} +y^{1-q}-1]^{\frac{1}{1-q}} (x1y=xyx\otimes_1 y=x y) emerge naturally within nonextensive statistical mechanics. We show here how they lead to two-parameter (namely, qq and qq^\prime) generalizations of the logarithmic and exponential functions (noted respectively lnq,qx\ln_{q,q^\prime}x and eq,qxe_{q,q^\prime}^{x}), as well as of the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy SBGSki=1WpilnpiS_{BGS}\equiv -k \sum_{i=1}^Wp_i \ln p_i (noted Sq,qS_{q,q^\prime}). The remarkable properties of the (q,q)(q,q^\prime)-generalized logarithmic function make the entropic form Sq,qki=1Wpilnq,q(1/pi)S_{q,q^\prime} \equiv k \sum_{i=1}^W p_i \ln_{q,q^\prime}(1/p_i) to satisfy, for large regions of (q,q)(q,q^\prime), important properties such as {\it expansibility}, {\it concavity} and {\it Lesche-stability}, but not necessarily {\it composability}.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A note on q-Gaussians and non-Gaussians in statistical mechanics

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    The sum of NN sufficiently strongly correlated random variables will not in general be Gaussian distributed in the limit N\to\infty. We revisit examples of sums x that have recently been put forward as instances of variables obeying a q-Gaussian law, that is, one of type (cst)\times[1-(1-q)x^2]^{1/(1-q)}. We show by explicit calculation that the probability distributions in the examples are actually analytically different from q-Gaussians, in spite of numerically resembling them very closely. Although q-Gaussians exhibit many interesting properties, the examples investigated do not support the idea that they play a special role as limit distributions of correlated sums.Comment: 17 pages including 3 figures. Introduction and references expande

    Note on a q-modified central limit theorem

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    A q-modified version of the central limit theorem due to Umarov et al. affirms that q-Gaussians are attractors under addition and rescaling of certain classes of strongly correlated random variables. The proof of this theorem rests on a nonlinear q-modified Fourier transform. By exhibiting an invariance property we show that this Fourier transform does not have an inverse. As a consequence, the theorem falls short of achieving its stated goal.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Nonextensive Pesin identity. Exact renormalization group analytical results for the dynamics at the edge of chaos of the logistic map

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    We show that the dynamical and entropic properties at the chaos threshold of the logistic map are naturally linked through the nonextensive expressions for the sensitivity to initial conditions and for the entropy. We corroborate analytically, with the use of the Feigenbaum renormalization group(RG) transformation, the equality between the generalized Lyapunov coefficient λq\lambda_{q} and the rate of entropy production KqK_{q} given by the nonextensive statistical mechanics. Our results advocate the validity of the qq-generalized Pesin identity at critical points of one-dimensional nonlinear dissipative maps.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Derivation of Tsallis statistics from dynamical equations for a granular gas

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    In this work we present the explicit calculation of Probability Distribution Function for a model system of granular gas within the framework of Tsallis Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics, using the stochastic approach by Beck [C. Beck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 180601 (2001)], further generalized by Sattin and Salasnich [F. Sattin and L. Salasnich, Phys. Rev. E 65, 035106(R) (2002)]. The calculation is self-consistent in that the form of Probability Distribution Function is not given as an ansatz but is shown to necessarily arise from the known microscopic dynamics of the system.Comment: 14 pages. An appendix adde

    Is Tsallis thermodynamics nonextensive?

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    Within the Tsallis thermodynamics' framework, and using scaling properties of the entropy, we derive a generalization of the Gibbs-Duhem equation. The analysis suggests a transformation of variables that allows standard thermodynamics to be recovered. Moreover, we also generalize Einstein's formula for the probability of a fluctuation to occur by means of the maximum statistical entropy method. The use of the proposed transformation of variables also shows that fluctuations within Tsallis statistics can be mapped to those of standard statistical mechanics.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, revised version, new title, accepted in PR

    Strictly and asymptotically scale-invariant probabilistic models of NN correlated binary random variables having {\em q}--Gaussians as NN\to \infty limiting distributions

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    In order to physically enlighten the relationship between {\it qq--independence} and {\it scale-invariance}, we introduce three types of asymptotically scale-invariant probabilistic models with binary random variables, namely (i) a family, characterized by an index ν=1,2,3,...\nu=1,2,3,..., unifying the Leibnitz triangle (ν=1\nu=1) and the case of independent variables (ν\nu\to\infty); (ii) two slightly different discretizations of qq--Gaussians; (iii) a special family, characterized by the parameter χ\chi, which generalizes the usual case of independent variables (recovered for χ=1/2\chi=1/2). Models (i) and (iii) are in fact strictly scale-invariant. For models (i), we analytically show that the NN \to\infty probability distribution is a qq--Gaussian with q=(ν2)/(ν1)q=(\nu -2)/(\nu-1). Models (ii) approach qq--Gaussians by construction, and we numerically show that they do so with asymptotic scale-invariance. Models (iii), like two other strictly scale-invariant models recently discussed by Hilhorst and Schehr (2007), approach instead limiting distributions which are {\it not} qq--Gaussians. The scenario which emerges is that asymptotic (or even strict) scale-invariance is not sufficient but it might be necessary for having strict (or asymptotic) qq--independence, which, in turn, mandates qq--Gaussian attractors.Comment: The present version is accepted for publication in JSTA

    Nonextensive aspects of self-organized scale-free gas-like networks

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    We explore the possibility to interpret as a 'gas' the dynamical self-organized scale-free network recently introduced by Kim et al (2005). The role of 'momentum' of individual nodes is played by the degree of the node, the 'configuration space' (metric defining distance between nodes) being determined by the dynamically evolving adjacency matrix. In a constant-size network process, 'inelastic' interactions occur between pairs of nodes, which are realized by the merger of a pair of two nodes into one. The resulting node possesses the union of all links of the previously separate nodes. We consider chemostat conditions, i.e., for each merger there will be a newly created node which is then linked to the existing network randomly. We also introduce an interaction 'potential' (node-merging probability) which decays with distance d_ij as 1/d_ij^alpha; alpha >= 0). We numerically exhibit that this system exhibits nonextensive statistics in the degree distribution, and calculate how the entropic index q depends on alpha. The particular cases alpha=0 and alpha to infinity recover the two models introduced by Kim et al.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure